oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape composition
Photo credit: http://tgdstudio.com/

oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape composition

oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape composition

oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape composition

oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape composition
Photo credit: http://tgdstudio.com/

oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape composition
Photo credit: http://tgdstudio.com/

oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape composition
Photo credit: http://tgdstudio.com/

oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape painting
Photo credit: http://tgdstudio.com/

SOLD acrylic on paper, pattern circles, squares and diamond repeat composition

acrylic on paper painting composition with circles and squares and diamond pattern

SOLD acrylic on paper abstract pattern painting 24”x18” incorporating circles and squares with a diamond repeat

acrylic on paper, 18”x12” abstract oak leaf design composition vertical

oil on canvas, 24”x24” flower painting with circular movement in square format

oil on canvas, 42”x39” abstract landscape paintings group of four
Photo credit: http://tgdstudio.com/

oil on canvas, 24”x24” rose flowers circular motion in square format

oil on canvas, 24”x24” rose flowers clustered in center in square format

oil on canvas, 24”x24” rose flower cluster in square format painting

oil on canvas, (6) 24”x24” abstract landscape paintings, vertical square format

(4) oil on canvas, 44”x42” approx. each

oil on canvas, (9) 24x24” abstract landscape paintings small scale square format

Screenshot of four oil on canvas paintings, each 44”x42”

group of four, oil on canvas, paintings each 44”x42”

(4) 44”x42”, oil/canvas

oil on canvas, 72”x72” square format grid painting
SOLD oil on wood, 22"x22" abstract landscapes, square format

oil on wood panel, 20"x16"
oil on wood panel, 20"x16" each, overall dimensions, 44"x70" approx.

oil on wood panel, 20"x16"
2008, oil on wood, 20"x16"

group of ten, oi/wood, 20”x16” ea.

oil on wood panel, 20"x16"

oil on wood panel, 62"x51"
oil on wood panel, 20"x16" each, Group of Six, 44" x 54" approx.
oil on canvas, 42"x51"

oil on canvas, 64"x51", SOLD
2007, oil on canvas, 20"x16" framed
2007, oil on canvas, 20"x16" framed
2007, oil on canvas, 20"x16", framed
2007, oil on canvas, 20"x16", framed

2007, oil on canvas, 20"x16", framed

oil on canvas, (4) 92”x54” ea. abstract landscape vertical paintings

oil on canvas, 12”x12” ea. small framed landscape paintings grid format
SOLD oil on wood, (3) 22"x22" Vertical Format abstract Paintings

oil on canvas, 74"x74", abstract three color landscape Blue Jade Olive

oil/canvas, 24”x24” each

SOLD, oil on canvas painting, suggestions of pattern and circular movement in a square format.

oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape composition
Photo credit: http://tgdstudio.com/
oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape composition
oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape composition
oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape composition
oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape composition
Photo credit: http://tgdstudio.com/
oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape composition
Photo credit: http://tgdstudio.com/
oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape composition
Photo credit: http://tgdstudio.com/
oil on wood, 18”x24” abstract landscape painting
Photo credit: http://tgdstudio.com/
SOLD acrylic on paper, pattern circles, squares and diamond repeat composition
acrylic on paper painting composition with circles and squares and diamond pattern
SOLD acrylic on paper abstract pattern painting 24”x18” incorporating circles and squares with a diamond repeat
acrylic on paper, 18”x12” abstract oak leaf design composition vertical
oil on canvas, 24”x24” flower painting with circular movement in square format
oil on canvas, 42”x39” abstract landscape paintings group of four
Photo credit: http://tgdstudio.com/
oil on canvas, 24”x24” rose flowers circular motion in square format
oil on canvas, 24”x24” rose flowers clustered in center in square format
oil on canvas, 24”x24” rose flower cluster in square format painting
oil on canvas, (6) 24”x24” abstract landscape paintings, vertical square format
(4) oil on canvas, 44”x42” approx. each
oil on canvas, (9) 24x24” abstract landscape paintings small scale square format
Screenshot of four oil on canvas paintings, each 44”x42”
group of four, oil on canvas, paintings each 44”x42”
(4) 44”x42”, oil/canvas
oil on canvas, 72”x72” square format grid painting
SOLD oil on wood, 22"x22" abstract landscapes, square format
oil on wood panel, 20"x16"
oil on wood panel, 20"x16" each, overall dimensions, 44"x70" approx.
oil on wood panel, 20"x16"
2008, oil on wood, 20"x16"
group of ten, oi/wood, 20”x16” ea.
oil on wood panel, 20"x16"
oil on wood panel, 62"x51"
oil on wood panel, 20"x16" each, Group of Six, 44" x 54" approx.
oil on canvas, 42"x51"
oil on canvas, 64"x51", SOLD
2007, oil on canvas, 20"x16" framed
2007, oil on canvas, 20"x16" framed
2007, oil on canvas, 20"x16", framed
2007, oil on canvas, 20"x16", framed
2007, oil on canvas, 20"x16", framed
oil on canvas, (4) 92”x54” ea. abstract landscape vertical paintings
oil on canvas, 12”x12” ea. small framed landscape paintings grid format
SOLD oil on wood, (3) 22"x22" Vertical Format abstract Paintings
oil on canvas, 74"x74", abstract three color landscape Blue Jade Olive
oil/canvas, 24”x24” each
SOLD, oil on canvas painting, suggestions of pattern and circular movement in a square format.